This labour of love resulted in a wine that is luscious and exotic, with yellow box honey-soaked dried Muscatels, treacle, bacon maple, super lifted aromatics of orange blossom, perfumed wattle and coriander seed. The mouth is opulent, with baked figs, burnt English toffee, caramelised onion, short crust pastry, shitake mushroom and umami. It’s a food pairing delight, perfect with those baked desserts, pear tarte tatin, spit roasted pineapple and a mouldy cheese match made in heaven. The finish is uber long and unrelentless, balance nicely with a weft of bright tangy citrus. This will age very well, the longer you keep it, the more savoury it will become, masking the sugar into more of those umami, bacon and mushroom notes.
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Buy 6 or more (of any wine) and receive a 10% discount. | 6 - 100000 | 10 % |
Introductory Offer | 6 - 1000 | 5 % |
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